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1 Weezer ticket tickets New York NYC Roseland
Item #1217210462
Tickets & Travel:Tickets, Experiences:Concert:Pop

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Currently $110.50 First bid $8.00
Quantity 1 # of bids 25 bid history
Time left Auction has ended. Location New York
Country/Region USA/New York
Started Feb-23-01 19:11:38 PST envelope mail this auction to a friend
Ends Feb-28-01 19:11:38 PST [Gift Alert] request a gift alert
Seller (Rating) mathrockparty (8)
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High bid $carstar (18) star
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1 ticket to the 3/5 NYC show at Roseland for the Yahoo! Outloud Weezer show. It's going to be a great show with Ozma and the Get Up Kids opening up. It's an orange commemorative ticket from the original Yahoo! sale. The box office is NOT going to be selling any more tickets. The show is on Monday, March 5th at 7:30 p.m. I'll accept money orders or well-concealed cash, and will send out the ticket immediately. I can do overnight mail or I can meet you in person. If you want to end this auction sooner, email me with an offer. If you have any questions at all, please email me at @aol.com. Thanks! Legal crap: Due to laws regulating ticket sales in this area, the seller in this auction will not accept any bids above the total face value $300 printed on the ticket [plus 10% permitted in New York]. Do not bid more than this amount. Bids that exceed this amount are void and will be cancelled by the seller. The seller will end the auction if, and when, this price is met.

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